Samstag, 20. Dezember 2014

Training secrets or secret training...?

Lucky numbers...
Since we approach a period of international racing, I've decided to switch this Blog to English to temporarily adress a broader audience. Hope you Germans are OK with that. I keep getting questions on training considerations - especially with nationals getting closer and closer. Many a rider or coach likes to keep their training logs secret, but I decided to publish a sample of my planning for the next couple of days. I don't believe that there are as many secrets to training as some people might think and nobody is going to be able to "steal" your form from you. Basically what they'll have to do is ride their bikes and find out what works best for them. Besides, in a sport where doping allegations and confessions come as a companion, transparency is a good thing I guess: by talking numbers and giving people an idea what needs to be done in terms of work, performances become tangible. So here we go. Wattages serve as a basic guideline that I try to aim for but won't necessarily be attained...

Thursday, dec 18
* easy run - 30min
* steady endurance - 2h, Z2/3 (~220w), 20 x 6-8sec bursts from standing position (all out)

Friday, dec 19
* road ride - 2 1/2h with intervals Z5, 4-5 series: 2min (~350w) / 30sec off / 2min on / 30sec off / 2min on

Saturday, dec 20

Sunday, dec 21
* run - 20min (stairs, jumps,...)
* road ride with intervals Z6, 4 series of 10min: 30sec on (~430w) / 30sec off

Monday, dec 22
* steady endurance - 2h, Z3 (~240w)
* cyclocross training -1h, woods, high intensity with bursts (no powermeter; RPE of "I-slap-myself-in-the-face")

Tuesday, dec 23
* steady endurance - 2 1/2 h, Z2 (~200w), 10 x 10sec flying sprint

Wednesday, dec 24

Thursday, dec 25
* course check Zolder, 1 lap @ race-pace

Friday, dec 26
race Zolder

Saturday, dec 27
race Bredene

Sunday, dec 28
race Diegem

Monday, dec 29
off, travel

Tuesday, dec 30
* easy endurance - 2h (no power meter)
* core/strength

Wednesday, dec 31
*steady endurance - 2h (~200w)

Thursday, jan 01

Friday, jan 02
race Bussnang

Saturday, jan 02
* easy endurance - 1-2h (no power meter)

Sunday, jan 03
* steady endurance - 2h (~200w)
* core/strength

This is about it. Of course changes can be made depending on weather conditions or general feeling. For better interpretation: the rider is at 67kg at the moment (could do with less for sure, but loves cookies). Heavy-Metal music is used on race days to boost performance!

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