Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2014


Worldcup Zolder. Foto: L. vd Meersche.
Almost three days after coming back from my short trip to Belgium I finally decided to write another post since many of you have been asking how things went. I will try to keep it short but drop a few lines on every race to give you an idea of how things went

Zolder WC, Dec 26:
To say Zolder was a bummer would be an understatement. Although I took enough time to pre-ride the course together with Aaron the day before, I struggled the whole race in conditions that were actually not that difficult. I had a decent start and made it to a bigger group somewhere in the Top 40. In the first descent I crossed handlebars with a Spanish guy and after taking each other out, our race was basically finished. I owe Ian Field big time for the single positive aspect of that day: by pulling out close to the end of the race he made me end up in 50th spot which left me with 10 precious UCI credits that soothed my bad mood slightly.

Result Zolder:

Aaron explaining the course:

In Flanders Fields. Foto: Nieuwsblad.
Bredene C2, Dec 27
Waking up to a massive load of snow around our cabin in Mol, Aaron (who shared the house with me for 3 nights) and I took off one day later to West-Flanders for the Bredene race. In ghastly conditions that altered between snow, hail and storm I had a much better day. On a muddy but mostly rideable course I found myself in a group with Jeremy Durrin and Robert Marion from the States and some Czech guys. I took myself out in a nasty crash that ended me up in a fence and van Aert lapped me entering his last lap. I hat cut my chin so severely in that crash that Oostende hospital was our next stop. But Barbara M.D. did a great stop stitching me up.

Result Bredene:

Video Bredene:

Going hard in Diegem. Foto: L. Nagels.
Diegem C1, Dec 28
Diegem on sunday is traditionally held in artificial light at night which made the conditions even more treacherous as many sections started to freeze whilst others stayed so muddy they would be impossible to ride. Many a rider would struggle to stay upright and even some big guns took heavy falls. In a Wold-Cup like field I had again a good start an raced somewhere in the 30s to 40s until I got pulled. Of course this results was - as the two others - of not much sportive value. Nevertheless I was very pleased since I suck on ice normally and did really well that night. So this race rounded up a short and intense trip that I would consider a big success after all. I am totally wasted and need some solid recovery now to be in shape again for Bussnang on Friday but I must say that I really learned a lot during this week. Success to all the guys in Baal tomorrow and happy new year everyone!

Result Diegem:

Video Diegem:

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